Class NelderMeadNLO

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class NelderMeadNLO : public qb::vqee::NLO

Nelder-Mead algorithm from the nlopt library Nelder-Mead is a gradient-free algorithm and works best when some noise is present.

Public Functions

inline NelderMeadNLO()
inline NelderMeadNLO(const std::vector<double> &in_initial_parameters, const int in_maxeval = 1000, const double in_ftol = 1.0e-6, const YAML::Node &in_node = YAML::Load(""), const std::string &in_algorithm = "nelder-mead")

Constructor with defaults shown.

inline virtual void show_info() override

Print information.

Private Members

std::string information_ = {"Nelder-Mead algorithm provided by nlopt"}