Class CmaesMLP

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class CmaesMLP : public qb::vqee::VqeOpt

CMA-ES - Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy is a stochastic search algorithm from the mlpack C++ library. It works by estimating a positive definite matrix within an iterative procedure using the covariance matrix. In this instance, the batchSize is fixed (= 1), and SelectionPolicy is also fixed (= FullSelection).

Public Functions

inline CmaesMLP()

Default constructor - calls the base class and sets the provider name and algorithm name.

inline CmaesMLP(const std::vector<double> &in_initial_parameters, const int in_maxeval = 500000, const double in_ftol = 1.0e-4, const YAML::Node &in_node = YAML::Load(""))

Constructor that shows all defaults.

virtual std::shared_ptr<xacc::Optimizer> get() override


Private Members

std::set<std::string> integer_valued_fields_ = {"lambda"}

Extra options accepted by CMA-ES that will be detected from the YAML string.

The population size YAML key: “lambda” XACC key: “mlpack-cmaes-lambda” Default: [int] 0

Upper-bound of decision variables YAML key: “upper” XACC key: “mlpack-cmaes-upper-bound” Default: [double] 10.0

Lower-bound of decision variables YAML key: “lower” XACC key: “mlpack-cmaes-lower-bound” Default: [double] -10.0 Integer-valued fields

std::set<std::string> string_valued_fields_ = {}

String-valued fields.

std::set<std::string> boolean_valued_fields_ = {}

Boolean-valued fields.

std::set<std::string> double_valued_fields_{"upper", "lower"}

Double-valued fields.

std::set<std::string> vector_double_valued_fields_ = {}

Vector of double fields.

std::map<std::string, std::string> all_valid_fields_yaml_xacc_{{"lambda", "mlpack-cmaes-lambda"}, {"upper", "mlpack-cmaes-upper-bound"}, {"lower", "mlpack-cmaes-lower-bound"}}

Union of all the above fields. Conversion of keys from YAML -> XACC.