Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE)


The code below shows how the Qristal interface for VQE (vqee) is called.

In general, you will need to provide these inputs:

import numpy as np
import qb.core.optimization.vqee as qbOpt

params = qbOpt.Params()

# Hamiltonian
params.pauliString = "-0.8124419696351861 + 0.17128249292506947 X0X1X2X3"

# ansatz
params.circuitString = """
.compiler xasm
.circuit ansatz
.parameters theta
.qbit q
  U(q[0], theta[0], theta[1], theta[2]);
  U(q[1], theta[3], theta[4], theta[5]);
  U(q[2], theta[6], theta[7], theta[8]);
  U(q[3], theta[9], theta[10], theta[11]);
  CNOT(q[0], q[1]);
  CNOT(q[1], q[2]);
  CNOT(q[2], q[3]);
  U(q[0], theta[12], theta[13], theta[14]);
  U(q[1], theta[15], theta[16], theta[17]);
  U(q[2], theta[18], theta[19], theta[20]);
  U(q[3], theta[21], theta[22], theta[23]);
  CNOT(q[0], q[1]);
  CNOT(q[1], q[2]);
  CNOT(q[2], q[3]);

# Number of qubits
params.nQubits = 4

# Number of shots
params.nShots = 400000

# Max iterations for the optimizer
params.maxIters = 100

# When isDeterministic is set to False,
# then expectations are calculated
# from params.nShots samples.
params.isDeterministic = True

# Termination condition for the optimizer
params.tolerance = 1e-6

# theta initial values. These will
# be overwritten with the
# optimized solution by
params.optimalParameters = 24*[0]

print("\nPauli string: ", params.pauliString)

acceleratorNamesList = ["sparse-sim", "qpp", "aer"]
for acceleratorName in acceleratorNamesList:
    print("\n\n\n*** ",acceleratorName, "***")
    params.acceleratorName = acceleratorName
    vqee = qbOpt.VQEE(params)
    optVec = params.optimalParameters
    optVal = params.optimalValue
    print("\noptVal, optVec: ", optVal, optVec)

Example output:

***  sparse-sim ***
Accelerator: sparse-sim
Parameters: [theta22, theta21, theta18, theta17, theta20, theta19, theta16, theta15, theta14, theta13, theta11, theta12, theta10, theta9, theta7, theta6, theta4, theta8, theta3, theta5, theta2, theta1, theta23, theta0]
Ansatz depth: 8

Min energy = -0.983724
Optimal parameters = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5708, 0, 0, 0, 1.5708, 0, 1.5708, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

optVal, optVec:  -0.9837244625602556 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

***  qpp ***
Accelerator: qpp
Parameters: [theta22, theta21, theta18, theta17, theta20, theta19, theta16, theta15, theta14, theta13, theta11, theta12, theta10, theta9, theta7, theta6, theta4, theta8, theta3, theta5, theta2, theta1, theta23, theta0]
Ansatz depth: 8

Min energy = -0.983724
Optimal parameters = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5708, 0, 0, 0, 1.5708, 0, 1.5708, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

optVal, optVec:  -0.9837244625602556 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

***  aer ***
Accelerator: aer
Parameters: [theta22, theta21, theta18, theta17, theta20, theta19, theta16, theta15, theta14, theta13, theta11, theta12, theta10, theta9, theta7, theta6, theta4, theta8, theta3, theta5, theta2, theta1, theta23, theta0]
Ansatz depth: 8

Min energy = -0.983724
Optimal parameters = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5708, 0, 0, 0, 1.5708, 0, 1.5708, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

optVal, optVec:  -0.9837244625602556 [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 1.5707963, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Python API

Importing the module

import qb.core.optimization.vqee as qbOpt

Setting up the parameters for VQE

tvqep = qbOpt.Params()

The following VQE attributes are accepted:





tvqep.circuitString = '''
.compiler xasm
.circuit ansatz
.parameters theta
.qbit q
Ry(q[0], theta);'''

Defines the ansatz circuit that
has an associated parameter


tvqep.pauliString =
+ 0.18125791479311 X0
+ -0.78864539363997 Z0'

Sets the Hamiltonian.


tvqep.nQubits =

Sets the number of qubits.
This must be consistent
with both the circuitString and
the pauliString attributes.


tvqep.optimalParameters =

A vector of initial values for
ansatz parameters.
The length must match the
number of ansatz parameters.


tvqep.nShots =

Set the number of shots
in a single VQE iteration.


tvqep.maxIters =

Sets the upper limit
on the number of VQE
iterations to run.


tvqep.isDeterministic =

acceleratorName = 'qpp'
isDeterministic = True,
the expectation values are
calculated using linear
algebra operations.

isDeterministic = False
the expectation values are
calculated from stochastic
samples of size nShots.


tvqep.enableVis = True

Enable the convergence trace output.

These will be available in
tvqep.energyVis (for energy)
tvqep.thetaVis (for ansatz parameters).


tvqep.tolerance =

Sets the function tolerance
that is used by the optimizer.


tvqep.acceleratorName =

Selects the back-end that
will perform quantum circuit

Setting up the optimization algorithm

By default, the cobyla (gradient-free) algorithm will be used. Alternative algorithms for driving the optimization can be used, along with extra options that are specific to individual algorithms. The setup for each algorithm is discussed in the next sections.

Note: These previously described attributes also apply to all algorithms below:

  • maxIters

  • tolerance

  • optimalParameters

Stochastic gradient algorithms

ADAM [Adaptive Momentum estimator]





tvqep.algorithm =

Selects the
ADAM algorithm from
the mlpack C++ library.


tvqep.extraOptions =
"stepsize: 0.5"

Step size for each


tvqep.extraOptions =
"beta1: 0.7"

Exponential decay rate for
the first moment estimates.


tvqep.extraOptions =
"beta2: 0.999"

Exponential decay rate for
the weighted infinity-norm estimates.


tvqep.extraOptions =
"eps: 1.0e-8"

Mean-squared gradient initial value.


tvqep.extraOptions =
"momentum: 0.05"



tvqep.extraOptions =
"exactobjective: false"

ADAM exact objective

Note: extraOptions is a YAML string field, so you can for example have all options specified with:

tvqep.extraOptions =
"{stepsize: 0.1, beta1: 0.67, beta2: 0.9, momentum: 0.11, exactobjective: true}"

Heuristic algorithms

CMA-ES [Covariance Matrix Adapter Evolution Strategy]





tvqep.algorithm =

Selects the
CMA-ES algorithm from
the mlpack C++ library.


tvqep.extraOptions =
"lambda: 0"

Population size


tvqep.extraOptions =
"lower: -10.0"

Lower-bound of decision


tvqep.extraOptions =
"upper: 10.0"

Upper-bound of decision

Note: extraOptions is a YAML string field, so you can for example have all options specified with:

tvqep.extraOptions =
"{lambda: 0, upper: 10.0, lower: -10.0}"

Gradient-based algorithms






tvqep.algorithm =

Selects the
L-BFGS algorithm from
the mlpack C++ library.



Gradient-free algorithms






tvqep.algorithm =

Selects the
Nelder-Mead algorithm from
the nlopt C++ library.


tvqep.extraOptions =
"stopval: -1.05"

Exits the optimization
as soon as the energy
is below this threshold value


tvqep.extraOptions =
"lowerbounds: [-0.01, -0.01, -0.01]"

Imposes lower-bounds
on the value of theta.

The number of elements
in the list must
equal the number of
elements in theta.


tvqep.extraOptions =
"upperbounds: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]"

Imposes upper-bounds
on the value of theta.

The number of elements
in the list must
equal the number of
elements in theta.

Note: extraOptions is a YAML string field, so you can for example have all options specified with:

tvqep.extraOptions =
"{lowerbounds: [-0.01, -0.01, -0.01], upperbounds: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1], stopval: -1.05}"

Triggering the VQE execution

qv = qbOpt.VQEE(tvqep)

Accessing the results

The results from a completed VQE execution are available by reading the following attributes:






The minimum energy corresponding to
parameters set at the optimalParameters.



The values for theta corresponding to
the minimum energy that VQE
has found within maxIters iterations.



The energy at iteration <index>.



The list of ansatz parameter
values at iteration <index>.

Viewing the convergence trace

Note: set enableVis = True prior to calling run() in order to generate the trace.

This is available via the vis attribute. The iteration that gave the reported optimum is marked with: **|.

Color codes:

  • Red - indicates the optimum iteration

  • Green - indicates an iteration with the same energy as the optimum iteration

Example output

Iteration 96
Energy         |################# -0.95
       Element 0      |####################### 0.33*pi
       Element 1      |##################### 0.19*pi
       Element 2      |################### -0.12*pi
       Element 3      |######################### 0.55*pi
Iteration 97
Energy       **|################ -0.98
       Element 0    **|####################### 0.3*pi
       Element 1    **|##################### 0.19*pi
       Element 2    **|#################### -0.059*pi
       Element 3    **|######################### 0.5*pi
Iteration 98
Energy         |################# -0.97
       Element 0      |###################### 0.29*pi
       Element 1      |##################### 0.14*pi
       Element 2      |#################### 0.061*pi
       Element 3      |######################### 0.55*pi
Iteration 99
Energy         |################ -0.98
       Element 0      |###################### 0.3*pi
       Element 1      |##################### 0.19*pi
       Element 2      |#################### -0.071*pi
       Element 3      |######################## 0.49*pi
Iteration 100
Energy         |################# -0.97
       Element 0      |####################### 0.34*pi
       Element 1      |##################### 0.15*pi
       Element 2      |#################### -0.048*pi
       Element 3      |########################## 0.62*pi


See the class documentation.

General VQE information

VQE is classified as a quantum-classical (hybrid) algorithm. It uses a classical optimizer to minimize a quantum kernel based objective function. The objective function is usually determined by multiple measurements at each iteration.

VQE finds the ground state energy of a physical system characterized by its Hamiltonian \(H\) which is Hermitian. See [Peruzzo et al. 2013, O’Malley et al. 2015] for details.

Quantum kernels in Qristal

In this section, the components that make up a quantum kernel are described in more detail.


While the user provides a Hamiltonian that has been transformed from their problem/system of interest, special attention is needed on the resulting format of the Hamiltonian so that it is valid as an input to Qristal. In particular:

  • the Hamiltonian must be formatted as a string. This string is an expression of a weighted sum of Pauli terms.

  • Spaces must be used to separate all of the following: the Pauli terms, their respective weights, and the arithmetic +/- symbols.

  • In all Pauli terms, any Identity (I) operators are implicit - do not show I operator explicitly.

Examples of valid Hamiltonians (but with no physical meaning):

"-1.2 + 1.1 Z0Z1 + 4.1 Z1 - 11.8 Z0"
"12.3 + 0.002 Z0X1X2 - 1.2 X0Z2 - 3.3 Z1 - 5.0 Y2"
"5.907 - 2.1433 X0X1 - 2.1433 Y0Y1 + (0.3,0.21829) Z0 + 0.34 Z0Z1Z2Z3"

Note: (0.3,0.21829) == 0.3 + 0.21829j

Example of a physically valid Hamiltonian (for deuteron):

"5.907 - 2.1433 X0X1 - 2.1433 Y0Y1 + .21829 Z0 - 6.125 Z1"


As in all parameterized models, choice of model architecture, or ansatz, is an important parameter in the success of the optimization.

Here it is a quantum circuit that prepares a quantum state and is conditioned by the values of theta (i.e. the input parameters mentioned above). To specify your ansatz, see the instructions below.


Input parameters of an ansatz, usually rotation angles (in radians).

User defined ansatz

This functionality requires using the XASM format. An example of this is shown below:

Important: Do not change the first two lines:

 .compiler xasm
 .circuit ansatz

You can use the parameter (declared here as theta) as a 0-indexed array, ie theta[0], theta[1], theta[2], …, etc.

.compiler xasm
.circuit ansatz
.parameters theta
.qbit q
  U(q[0], theta[0], theta[1], theta[2]);
  U(q[1], theta[3], theta[4], theta[5]);
  U(q[2], theta[6], theta[7], theta[8]);
  U(q[3], theta[9], theta[10], theta[11]);
  CNOT(q[0], q[1]);
  CNOT(q[1], q[2]);
  CNOT(q[2], q[3]);
  U(q[0], theta[12], theta[13], theta[14]);
  U(q[1], theta[15], theta[16], theta[17]);
  U(q[2], theta[18], theta[19], theta[20]);
  U(q[3], theta[21], theta[22], theta[23]);
  CNOT(q[0], q[1]);
  CNOT(q[1], q[2]);
  CNOT(q[2], q[3]);

Use gates that are in XASM gate format to build the ansatz circuit.

Built in ansätze

See the examples folder: examples/python/ for the syntax to call the ansätze described below.

  • Default ansatz: the Hardware Efficient Ansatz (HEA)

    ⚙ For the default ansatz in Qristal, it is required that: len(theta) == 3*nQubits*ansatz_depth

    HEA provides a framework for general Hamiltonians where the problem substructure is less well defined. HEA is often parameterized by depth: the number of base circuit repetitions.

    A larger depth allows for modelling more complexity at the cost of increasing training difficulty.

    One instance of HEA ansatz is demonstrated in Pennylane’s VQE tutorial.

  • ASWAP ansatz that is useful for quantum chemistry

    ASWAP is well-suited to the types of Hamiltonians generated by quantum chemistry problems and is parameterized by the number of particles to use.

  • UCCSD ansatz that is useful for quantum chemistry

    Unitary coupled-cluster singles and doubles (UCCSD) ansatz is based on the unitary coupled cluster (UCC) theory.

    UCCSD ansatz is parameterized by the number of particles (e.g., electrons) and the number of spin orbitals.

    (the number of spin orbitals is equal to the number of qubits required)

Convention of mapping spin orbitals onto qubits


The built-in ASWAP and UCCSD ansätze in Qristal map all alpha (up) spins then all beta (down) spins. Thus, care must be taken to make sure that the input Pauli Hamiltonian follows the same mapping convention. Note that e.g. Pennylane, on the other hand, alternates alpha and beta (up and down) spins.

If the Hamiltonian input is provided following the description in Molecular geometries in Qristal, then the mapping is guaranteed to be compatible with the above convention.

Molecular geometries in Qristal

See the examples folder: examples/python/ for the syntax to use molecular geometries.

Instead of directly specifying a Hamiltonian, users can instead input a molecular geometry in terms of the elements and coordinates of all atoms in the system. Qristal will then generate the corresponding Hamiltonian automatically.

For this functionality, Qristal requires PySCF-style XYZ syntax, i.e.,  {element symbol} {x_coord} {y_coord} {z_coord};...

For example, an \(H_2\) molecule with an atomic distance of 0.735 angstroms (Å) can be described by the following geometry string:

H 0.0 0.0 0.0; H 0.0 0.0 0.735

Important: the default unit for coordinates is angstroms.

By default, Qristal uses the sto-3g basis set and the Jordan-Wigner fermion-to-qubit mapping.

How to make function calls for a Python-level optimizer?

In order to use the optimization algorithms in scipy.optimize or skquant.opt for VQE, it is necessary to provide a function that accepts the parameter values at the current iteration and returns the energy. The function below provides this. Note: it accepts an input (theta) that is a NumPy array:

import qb.core.optimization.vqee as qbOpt

# Wrapper that accepts a parameter,
# theta (type is NumPy ndarray)
# and calls vqee for 1 iteration.  The energy is returned.
def qbvqe(theta):
    params = qbOpt.Params()
    params.nShots = 64   # Number of shots
    params.maxIters = 1  # initial energy only - no internal optimisation steps
    # Deuteron Hamiltonian with ASWAP ansatz
    params.nQubits = 4  # Number of qubits
    params.pauliString = "5.907 - 2.1433 X0X1 - 2.1433 Y0Y1 + .21829 Z0 - 6.125 Z1"
    ansatzID = qbOpt.AnsatzID.ASWAP
    nQubits = 4
    nElectrons = 2 # number of electrons/particles/vqeDepth for (UCCSD/ASWAP/HEA)
    trs = True # time reversal symmetry only when ASWAP, else just a required dummy to conform to the signature
    nOptParams = qbOpt.setAnsatz(params, ansatzID, nQubits, nElectrons, trs)
    if (len(theta) == 1):
        params.optimalParameters = theta
    else :
        params.optimalParameters = list(theta)

    qv = qbOpt.VQEE(params)
    return params.optimalValue

With small modifications, the function shown above can be adapted to return other quantities (eg. Jacobian) needed by the optimization algorithm.